WUBOX IGP International Championship 2025The WUBOX IGP International Championship 2025 is organized by the Club National Boxer Espana (CNBE) and will take place in Tarragona from April 25th to 27th.More Information:https://boxerespana.com/wubox-igp-2025/ Download registration forms: Pre-registrations from WUBOX member countries Registrations of wildcards from countries that are not members of WUBOX Registrations of individual teams from WUBOX member countries Registration address: boxerclub@chello.at WUBOX IGP International Championship 2024The WUBOX IGP International Championship 2024 is organized by the Boxer Klub München - Gruppe Frankenberg/LG Sachsen and will take place from April 26th to 28th in Frankenberg.Results: Catalog
WUBOX IGP International Championship 2023 The WUBOX IGP International Championship 2023, organized by the Boxer Club D`Italia will take place in Ronco 'all Adige from March 31st to April 2nd.Website: http://wuboxigp2023.boxerclubitalia.it/ Results:
WUBOX IGP International Championship 2022 The WUBOX IGP International Championship takes place in Hungary Kincsem Lovaspark, Tápiószentmárton, 2711 Soregi út 1 from May 6th to 8th. Website: https://www.kincsemlovaspark.hu/